Is September a good time to sell my home?

Is September a good time to sell my home?

September has arrived and there is a cooler, crisper feel in the air. The nights are beginning to draw in and the greenery of summer fades to autumnal yellows and browns. With Christmas around the corner you maybe wondering if September is a good time to sell or if you are better waiting until next year.

Here at Alexander Gibson we think that September is a wonderful time of year to sell. If you have been sitting on the fence about putting your home up for sale, our advice would be to grab the opportunity that September offers you.

So, what is it about September that makes it a good time to sell?

Firstly, the holiday season is over. We all know the summer is the busiest time of year for holidaying abroad or at home. Not only are people distracted by their own holiday but many also have to manage the workload of their colleagues whilst they are off holidaying. Busy at work and dreaming of lying on a beach, it is easy to see why house hunting goes to the bottom of the priority list. However, when September arrives, the holiday season settles down and normality returns. The perfect time to start thinking about moving again.

You can probably hear the mums across Yorkshire sighing a huge sigh of relief this week as the school holidays have finished. With childcare worries alleviated mums, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends are free to house hunt once more. The school runs and routine starts up again and those that would be entertaining the little ones throughout summer can now search for a new home in peace. September is particularly good to sell a family home. Many parents think in term time. When their little darling goes up into the next year at school they see September as a new year. New year – new start, and thoughts can turn to moving home.

The British weather also has an impact on the property market. This year we have had some amazing weather. When we get such glorious weather in the UK most people make the most of it. Thoughts turn to BBQs, beaches and beer gardens and traipsing around viewing houses in the heat is the last thing on most minds. With the weather cooling in September this change and the desire to search for a new home sparks up again.

When September arrives, the countdown to Christmas begins. Only a few months off the rush to get into a new home fuels a new property search. Whether a move before Christmas is actually achievable depends on how good your conveyancing solicitor is and what the searches throw up, however, the motivation to buy is there and Christmas is driving it. In recent years the Yorkshire market hasn't slowed down until mid-November, so there is a great window of opportunity to sell your home before winter.

September is the last chance of the year to get some greenery in your property photographs. Daylight is still hanging on in there and allows for brighter shots before winter draws in. September is the last chance to make use of the greenery and colour of the summer before it fades; so, grasp the opportunity and get your home on the market.

Who do you know who’s thinking about selling? Maybe you are? Get in touch we will be happy to have a chat about how to launch your property for sale successfully in September. Call us on 01423 563077, email or visit our website at to find out more about how we can help you

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